Hi, I’m Netta!

I started Noire Beauty Fitness because I’m passionate about helping women over 40 regain their sense of self through health and fitness. Society would want us to hide as we age, but we are just as strong, beautiful and vibrant as we always were… we just have to believe it!

I help women take control of their health & fitness and find themselves again.

At 40 years old, I found myself feeling hopeless & helpless with a 35 pound weight gain that happened within 5 years, going through a divorce, diagnosed pre-diabetic and just plain unhappy where I was in life! My body was naturally changing faster than I could handle and I knew that I had to get control of it now!

Oh and did I forget to mention that we were going through a global pandemic at the time (Covid-19)?!

All of those adversities led me to begin a video fitness journal on my personal Instagram and Facebook pages. As I started to see my body react in ways that only discipline can command, I wanted to spread the good news even further for others within my age group that were struggling with their bodies as well.

My Instagram page Netta.Gets.Fit and brand Noire Fitness Beauty are both love letters to all the beautiful women beginning the aging process. Perimenopausal hits us hard and naturally as women, we forget ourselves taking care of others sometimes.

Noire Beauty Fitness is my way to gently nudge you to incorporate a little more fitness and bring joy back into our lives.